Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Alice Style

Dave and I just returned from a stroll around the neighborhood for some exercise and to check out the Christmas lights. We ended up cutting the hike short because despite the fact it's 8:15 pm its still 97 degrees. The light breeze doesn't provide any relief, it just makes you feel like you're in a convection oven. Given it’s the week of Christmas, most of you can understand why it’s so hard for us to get in the holiday spirit. On Saturday, we were in K-Mart and they were playing Christmas carols. As we were standing there in shorts, flip flops and sleeveless shirt, I said “this is SOOO wrong”. Dave knew instantly what I was talking about. I can’t imagine how long you have to live here before you get adjusted to Christmas in the extreme heat of a subtropical desert.

Just to give you a visual of my Christmas, I’ll share a few random images:

Here's Dave hanging Christmas lights in shorts and sandels.

This is a $30 poinsettia at the grocery store. I love big beautiful poinsettias, which is why I didn't buy one.

The Alice Springs Christmas Carnival and town tree lighting featured street performers.

This special guy was performing hula hoop tricks in the kids play area early in the evening.

He appeared a bit later at the band stand and joined in on the dancing. I think he may have stopped by the pub on the way to the band stand.

If you're feeling a bit insecure about dancing or are afraid the man in your life is poorly dressed, this video will make you feel a whole lot better about yourself.

SEE - Christmas is alot different here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see news! MERRY CHRISTMAS!