Sunday, February 15, 2009

10 Foot Tall and Bullet Proof

Quirks in our personalities are what make us individuals. Some people are quirkier than other. Some correlate quirks to nonconformity and are suspicious of quirky people. Some just tolerate quirks and fortunately a blessed few embrace personality quirks and love those of us who have more than our fair share. My husband is in the last group and loves me FOR who I am, not despite of who I am.

One of my quirks is that I won’t readily admit my weaknesses. I’m quite content for the world to think that I’m 10 foot tall and bullet proof. But the time has come to confess that I might be less than indestructible. My shoulder was injured in 1995 and never really recovered. I’ve had trouble (that’s Paula speak for excruciating pain) on and off since then. I’ve seen doctors about the problem over the years and they always prescribe, pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. That combination provides some short term relief but no cure.

In August of 2008 the pain came and no amount of chiropractic care, massages, ice bags, ibuprofen or vodka could beat it into submission. By November, I cried uncle and went to the doctor, who then referred me on to an orthopedic surgeon. There isn’t one based in Alice Springs, but we are fortunate Dr. Herlad, who is based in Sydney, come to Alice every six weeks to see patients. My appointment was Thanksgiving weekend. Dr. Herald listened to my description of the problems did a little poking and prodding and said “We won’t know much without an MRI. When’s the next time you’ll be near a machine?” (We don’t have an MRI machine in Alice and like so many things the nearest MRI clinic is 1000 miles away.) We discussed my planned trip to the states in January and he suggested I get an MRI while in Denver and then stop by see him on my way back thru Sydney. On the likelihood that I would require surgery, he penciled me into his O.R. schedule while I was in Sydney. He then offered me a shot of cortisone. I’ve heard that the shot itself is extremely painful and sometimes that the pain of the shot is worse than the pain in the problem joint. If that’s the case those wimps weren’t in that much pain to begin with. Cortisone Is My Friend – bring on the big honkin needle!

I had the MRI while in Denver and brought the films back to Australia. I arrived in Sydney on the 3rd of February, saw the doc on the 4th and he took look at the films and immediately pointed out a bone spur inside my shoulder blade and 2 tears in my rotator cuff. Our O.R. date on the 9th was confirmed.

They went in with an Arthroscope and removed a subcromial bone spur and were able to fixed one tear with a couple of stitches. The other little boo boo required a couple of stitches, plus 2 plastic anchors and one metal screw. There’s some bruising on my arm and the prescribed exercises make me want to barf. Luckily, I was sent home with a big box of Tylenol with codeine.

I now have 3 small holes in my shoulder and a really big immobilizer sling that I get to wear for 6 weeks. I start physical therapy next week and Dave will go back to taking the bus to work. This week he’s said he needs to drive so that if I call and need him to come home he can immediately hop in the car and race home to take care of me. I think the real reason for his driving to work, is that the after surgery instructions noted that it wasn’t safe to drive while wearing the sling. He knows I’m going to drive anyhow (cripes-I still have one good arm and it's an automatic) but he’s trying to prolong it as long as possible.

I have really graphic pictures of the inside of my shoulder if you’re interested. Dave recommended I post them, but they sort of gross me out and it’s my shoulder. I’ll update you soon on the fun of a right handed person Not having the use of her right arm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guess it was time for the after 40 overhaul was it? Good to hear all went well, and you will be back to right handed drinking very soon. Driving should be ok anyhow, if you are going to drive on the wrong side of the road would you not use your wrong hand to do that?

Have fun!!!
